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Hello and thank you for your time today. As we mentioned in our email, we are conducting a survey on behalf of The Children's Place. We would like to invite you to take a 5-7 minute survey and earn a coupon for 20% off your next purchase of $30 or more at The Children's Place.

Your answers will help us improve so please provide honest feedback. All information will be confidential.
* How often do you browse at The Children's Place?
Once every 2-3 months
Once every 6 months
Once a year or less
* How often do you make a purchase at The Children's Place?
Once every 2-3 months
Once every 6 months
Once a year or less
* How do you typically shop at The Children's Place?
I always shop in the store
I usually shop in the store but sometimes shop online
I shop in the store and online equally
I usually shop online but sometimes shop in the store
I always shop online
* What is The PLACE Card?
Savings Pass for 15% off during season
A Credit Card
I don’t know what The PLACE Card is
A Loyalty Membership Card
A Rewards Card
* What is My Place Rewards?
I don’t know what My Place Rewards is
A Loyalty Program
A Credit Card Program
A Cash Back Voucher
Savings Pass for 15% off during season
* Do you currently have The PLACE Card?
* Are you a member of My Place Rewards?
Do you have any additional comments for The Children's Place about the credit card program or loyalty program?

Just For The Record

The following demographic questions are to make sure we listen to all types of customers. All answers will be kept confidential.
* What is your age?
* What is your gender?
* How many children (or grandchildren) do you purchase clothing for?
What are the ages & genders of the children you purchase clothing for?

Please check all that apply

Boy Girl N/A
* 0-12 months
* 1-3 years old
* 4-6 years old
* 7-10 years old
* 11-13 years old

* Roughly speaking, in what range does your total annual family income fall?
Under $25,000
Over $150,000
Prefer not to answer

* Which of the following categories best describes your ethnic background?
African American
Prefer not to answer
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