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Hello! You are invited to participate in our survey that asks questions about our new innovative product. In this survey, approximately 200 people will be asked to participate and every single opinion is highly important to us, so thank you in advance for spending this time with us to help us shape our product for people like you! 

It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete the questionnaire and your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project, but if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. It is very important for us to learn your opinions, so thank you very much for your time and support.

Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
* How old are you?
Under 18 years old
* What is your gender?
* Please select the country that you currently live in
* Can you play any musical instruments, and if so, what is the main type of instrument that you play on most often?
I don't play any instrument
I sing
Brass instruments (e.g. trumpet, tuba, trombone, cornet, bugle, etc.)
String acoustic instruments (e.g. violin, cello, viola, classical guitar, etc.)
Percussion instruments (e.g. piano, drums, triangle, cymbals, etc.)
Electric instruments (e.g. electric guitar, electric piano, keyboard, electric violin, etc.)
* Our survey is aimed to examine opinions of musicians with various levels of experience. How would you describe your level of experience in playing music?
I am an amateur musician and I play as a hobby
I am an amateur musician, but I take regular music lessons
Music is my main subject at school / university
I am a professional classical musician, but I also play electric instruments
I am a professional entertainment musician

The Internet of Things Amp (IoT Amp) is a concept that brings the internet to guitar amps, allowing you to remotely connect with the amps of your fellow musicians and to then play together in perfect sync on any electric instruments such as electric guitar, keyboard, electric violin etc., no matter how far you are currently based from each other. You will be able to remotely collaborate with others via the IoT amps in live sessions, concert rehearsals, remote music tutorials, or music creation. This will be possible with our new IoT guitar amp range and accompanying software that will allow you to link your amp to the amp of your fellow music collaborator.

To make sure you can use the benefits of our Internet of Things software on previously purchased guitar amps from our brand, we will also offer a separate standalone product that you will be able to easily plug in into your existing digital amp whenever you want to play with someone remotely.
Would you be interested in purchasing such product if you were looking for a new guitar amp or if you were looking for a product allowing you to collaborate with other musicians playing on electric instruments remotely and in real-time?
Not at all interested Not interested Somewhat interested Interested Very Interested
* Overall interest level
* Please select ONE of the following answers that best explains why would you be interested in purchasing the IoT Amp product.
I often try new brands that offer better features than other companies
I like the idea that I can use this product with all electric instruments and not just a guitar
I like the idea of being able to play with other musicians remotely, without the need to leave home
I want the product that has the lowest possible delay, so that I can hear my fellow musician(s) in real-time / as close to real-time as possible
I like the idea of having new additional functionality in a guitar amp
I enjoy experimenting with new technologies
Other (please specify)
* Please select ONE of the following answers that best explains why would you NOT be interested in purchasing this product:
I am NOT interested in remote collaboration unless it offers a true real-time experience
I am NOT interested in the concept of remote music collaboration as I prefer to play with, learn from or teach others in person
I do NOT like to experiment with new technologies until they’re well tested, reviewed in many magazines/websites and used by a number of my friends
I do NOT like an idea of having an amp with additional functionalities - I prefer standard amps
I am satisfied with current programs allowing me to play with others remotely and I do NOT believe any improvements can be made
Other (please specify)
* Please select ONE of the following answers that best explains why are you unsure whether or not you would like to purchase this product:
It would depend on whether I can hear other musicians in real-time / as close to real time as possible and whether any sound delay would occur
My decision would be highly dependent on magazine, friends or family reviews
It would depend on whether the cost is much higher than the price of other guitar amps with a similar quality level
I enjoy experimenting with new technologies, but only those released by my favourite brands
It would depend on how the amp looks and sounds like
I like the idea of having an amp that can allow me to remotely play music with others, but I would prefer if it worked with both electric and acoustic instruments
It would depend on the size of the amp or the size of the separate product that I could connect to my old amp to allow for remote playing experience
Other (please specify)
* Looking at a SEPARATE STANDALONE IoT product that can be used with your existing amp to allow you to remotely play with another musician playing on electric instruments, would you be interested in purchasing such a product to add new remote capabilities to your existing/old amp?
* Which of the following would you be more likely to purchase?
It depends which one is cheaper
I don’t know
It depends whether both products provide exactly the same quality
A standalone IoT device for your old standard digital amp that you have previously purchased from our brand, with the IoT device giving your old amp a new remote collaboration functionality (previously not available in your amp)
A new IoT Guitar Amp with built-in functionality that allows remote music collaboration
I would NOT purchase any of these products
Other (please specify)
* How often would you use the amp (or a standalone IoT device attached to your old amp) to play music remotely?
Often, e.g. every time when it’s more convenient than meeting and playing together in person
Relatively often, e.g. only if the music practiced does not require all members to be in the same room or only for music lessons with tutors/students located outside of my city
Not too often, e.g. only when it is impossible to meet in person
Almost never, e.g. only if no other option to effectively communicate musical ideas exists
* Which instruments do you envisage you and your musician friends would use the IoT Amp or the IoT standalone device with?
Only with electric guitars
All electric instruments (e.g. electric guitar, electric viola, keyboard, electric drums etc.)
All acoustic and electric instruments if the technology allowed for it (e.g. electric guitar, electric violin, electric keyboard as well as acoustic violin, piano, drums etc.)
* Have you ever used similar tools (e.g. computer programs) that allowed you to play music with another musician despite being in different locations?
Current programs allowing you to remotely play music with your friends or other musicians involve a small delay of approx. 0.003s (3 milliseconds) between the time that the sound played by you is heard by your fellow musician located elsewhere (and vice versa). This is notable in some music genres and live sessions. How would you rate an impact that a delay like that would have on your remote music playing experience?

Please slide the button on a rater line according to your perception of the impact, where:
0 represents the low impact (i.e. the 0.003 second delay would not bother you at all) and
100 represents high impact (i.e. the delay of 0.003s would hugely worsen your music playing experience)
Low impactHigh Impact
* Perceived level of impact
The Internet of Things Amp (IoT Amp) is a concept that brings the internet to guitar amps, allowing you to remotely connect with the amps of your fellow musicians and to then play together in perfect sync on any electric instruments such as electric guitar, keyboard, electric violin etc., no matter how far you are currently based from each other. You will be able to remotely collaborate with others via the IoT amps in live sessions, concert rehearsals, remote music tutorials, or music creation. This will be possible with our new IoT guitar amp range and accompanying software that will allow you to link your amp to the amp of your fellow music collaborator. To make sure you can use the benefits of our Internet of Things software on previously purchased guitar amps from our brand, we will also offer a separate standalone product that you will be able to easily plug in into your existing digital amp whenever you want to play with someone remotely.
* When would you find a product such as the IoT Amp to be the most useful for you? Please rate according to the relevance, with 1 being the MOST useful scenario and 7 - the scenario where IoT Amp would be the LEAST useful for you.

Playing instruments with your friend for fun
Giving private music lessons remotely
Creating music with your fellow musician friends or people from around the world
Remotely rehearsing music with a band member based in a different location than you
Rehearsing music with all of your band members, regardless of their current location and instruments played
Giving group music lessons remotely
Taking music lessons without the need of leaving home
* Which technology/design features would you perceive as crucial when purchasing our Internet of Things Amp product that allows remote music collaboration? Please select ALL that apply.
Video or printed tutorials easily explaining how to use the amp or the standalone IoT device for my old amp
Ease of use
Real-time sound or, at least, as close to real-time as possible
Ability to link with more than one amp so that several people based in various locations could all take part in the music session
Microphone to allow the use of the amp with non-electric instruments (e.g. drums, classical string instruments)
Online / telephone support if any problems arise when using the product
Camera allowing me to see my fellow musicians when using the remote collaboration functionality
Appealing design
High quality sound
Portable / small design
All of the above
Other (please specify)

* Let’s say that you are interested in purchasing a new standard guitar amplifier with high quality sound, but WITHOUT any functionality enabling remote music collaboration - so just a usual guitar amp. How much would you expect to pay for a typical guitar amp with high/satisfactory sound quality?
UK: less than £50 / US: less than $70
UK: £50 - £100 / US: $70 - $140
UK: £101 - £200 / US: $141 - $285
UK: £201 - £300 / US: $286 - $430
UK: £301 - £400 / US: $431 - $570
UK: £401 - £500 / US: $571 - $715
UK: £501 - £600 / US: $716 - $855
UK: £601 - £700 / US: $856 - $1000
UK: £701 - £800 / US: $1001 - $1140
UK: over £801 / US: over $1141
* Thinking about our guitar amp with high quality sound AND functionality that allows you to play with other musicians remotely and in real-time/close to real-time, what is the price range you would expect this guitar amp to fall into?
UK: less than £50 / US: less than $70
UK: £50 - £100 / US: $70 - $140
UK: £101 - £200 / US: $141 - $285
UK: £201 - £300 / US: $286 - $430
UK: £301 - £400 / US: $431 - $570
UK: £401 - £500 / US: $571 - $715
UK: £501 - £600 / US: $716 - $855
UK: £601 - £700 / US: $856 - $1000
UK: £701 - 800 / US: $1001 - $1140
UK: over £801 / US: over $1141
* Now assume that you already have a guitar amp from our company. How much would you expect to pay for a SEPARATE product giving your old amp ability to communicate with your friends’ amps and allowing you to practice together remotely?
UK: less than £20 / US: less than $30
UK: £20 - £50 / US: $31 - $70
UK: £51- £100 / US: $71 - $140
UK: £101 - £200 / US: $141 - $285
UK: £201 - £300 / US: $286 - $430
UK: £301 - £400 / US: $431 - $570
UK: over £401 / US: over $571
* What are the main factors that influence your decision when purchasing new music-related products? Please select ALL that apply.
Advice at the point of sale
Reading magazine reviews/rankings
Design / look
Brand recognition
Digital streaming
Overall quality of the product
Recommendation from friends/family
All of the above
Other (please specify)