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Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* 1. How would you describe gategroupĀ“s brand perception?
The gategroup brand is a strong and globally recognized brand inside our industry.
The gategroup brand is a strong and globally recognized brand inside and outside our industry.
The gategroup brand is not globally recognized, but our sub brands are
People are confused by the gategroup brand and how the other brands fit in.
None of the above. Please describe below in your own words what the perception is according to you.
* 2. Note down the first keywords that come to your mind when you think of gategroupĀ“s personality (e.g. professional, confusing, fun, formal,....)
* 3. Do those keywords reflect the true character of our business?
* 4. If you answered No to the previous question, what is the reason for that disconnect in your opinion?
* 5. What products and services come to mind when you think of gategroup?
6. How familiar are you with the gategroup sub brands? Please rate the following:
Very Familiar Familiar Somewhat Familiar Never Heard Of
* deSter
* eGate Solutions
* Gate Aviation
* Gate Gourmet
* Gate Retail Onboard
* Gate Safe
* Harmony
* Performa
* Pourshins
* Supplair
* 7. Is there an added value in keeping different sub brands?
* 8. Please elaborate on why you chose YES or NO.
* 9. Would we have a stronger presence in the market with one brand represented as gategroup?
* 10. Do you think there are clear and distinct differences between our offerings and those of our competitors?
* 11. If Yes, what are a few of the distinct differences that make our offerings unique or more desirable?
* 12. Do you think the gategroup brand identity stands out from competitors as distinct, significant enough or with a strong enough presence? Why or why not? Please be as specific as possible.
13. Compared to our competitors, is our product/service quality of:
Better Worse About the same I donĀ“t know
* deSter
* eGate Solutions
* Gate Aviation
* Gate Gourmet
* Gate Retail Onboard
* Gate Safe
* Harmony
* Performa
* Pourshins
* Supplair
* 14. If you were to compare our business to a car, what car would it be and why?
* 15. What car would you associate with LSG Sky Chefs:
* What car would you associate with DO&CO:
* What car would you associate with Flying Food Group:
* 16. Which brand do you represent?